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Looking back on the year that was: 2015 – A year in review

The last time I wrote anything substantial online was 2 years again. I spent most of 2014 (and early 2015) writing my Dissertation and that was so goddamn long, I didn’t want to write anything again. It’s been a year of changes though, so lets start at the beginning of 2015. Also, I thought this is as good a time to try Medium:

January through March

  • I continued writing my dissertation and started to build the final project that my dissertation was based on (ProjectMapper)

  • I continued to apply for jobs, writing cover letters and making it to the interview stage

  • I taught a 6 hour block of lessons on ‘Introduction to JavaScript’ to over 60 S4 Pupils at my old High School

  • (And I almost forgot) I didn’t come last at the University Department Final year Bowling Night. Can’t remember how well I did, but it wasn’t last

  • Also - I got offered a graduate job working in Technology in Glasgow for a company you may of heard of

April through June

  • The family and I spent a couple of days in London as we hadn’t been to London for a couple of years (London Eye good, Madame Tussaud’s not so much)

  • I also handed in my dissertation and sat my final Uni exams.

  • And went to my Graduation Ball (with a lot less mushrooms than we though there would be)

  • Oh, and I also graduated with a First Class Honours degree in Computer Science from Heriot-Watt University

July through September

  • I moved from my Uni flat of the past 3 years (and 3 Christmas dinners) in Polwarth (and in the process found out my ex-flatmate could be an estate agent)

  • I put my dissertation project (ProjectMapper) into production use

  • I resigned and worked my final shift for Currys in Kirkcaldy. I’m still getting used to having weekends free for the first time in 6 years

  • We went on (possibly) the last family holiday around Madison, Milwaukee and Chicago. If I could wrap it up in a couple of words : Cheese, Miller beer, White-Sox, Deep-Dish pizza

  • My trusty Vauxhall Corsa (with a new front suspension) was sold (when I found out I didn’t have any parking when I moved)

  • I then jointly bought another Ford Fiesta with my Sister (when I later found out I did have parking when I moved)

  • I (eventually) found and secured a flat to live in Glasgow City Centre

  • I then moved to Glasgow, started my new job and went to London in the same week. (Looking back, possibly the busiest week of my life)

  • I spent 6 weeks in London on training with 200+ of my colleagues from around the globe, with 85 of us from Glasgow. This deserves a post of its own, but it was a fun, mad and exhausting 6 weeks that I will probably never repeat again

  • I also started to watch the Rugby World Cup. Alot. Even going to the Fanzones a couple of times to watch it. Still unsure what happened in the last 10 minutes of the Japan-South Africa game

October through December

  • I also paid stupid amount in baggage charges to get me and my luggage back from London (thank you FlyBe)

  • I started back in Glasgow, where I was given a desk, phone and locker, and started to do actual work on various projects

  • And here we are, I’m writing this at the tail end of another Christmas / New Year season. Although this is the first time I’m not working in 6 years, so it’s weird to have time on your hands at this time of year

2016 – The year of…

I don’t know to be honest. 2015 was a huge year for change – I moved house and city, changed job and my life within 1 year. I’m expecting 2016 to be a little more grounded (I’m struggling to find a better word) than 2015. Although somethings will stay – I’ve already booked flights for 2016.

But who knows? I can’t predict the future, we just have to see what happens along the way.

Published Dec 31, 2015

Software Engineer in Glasgow, baker / climber / amateur DIYer at home, runs on coffee & cake